Have you ever chosen a word of the year? I've been choosing a word of the year for the last few years, and the process for choosing one has changed immensely. In this episode, I reflect on words from past years, share about how my word for 2023 unfolded, and give some ideas on how you can find your own word of the year. Choosing a word can be a fun and intentional way to cultivate the year ahead — let's explore the possibilities together.
The Lifegiving Home (Sally Clarkson)
These Beautiful Bones (Emily Stimpson Chapman)
I've mentioned Theology of the Body several times in my podcast, and would love to share my favorite beginner resources. I offer different ones for Catholics and Protestants because our churches often use different language or teaching methods, so these resources are designed to meet people where they're at:
Catholics: Theology of the Body for Beginners (Christopher West)
Protestants: Our Bodies Tell God's Story (Christopher West)
Madisun Gray (YouTube Channel)
Italian Sausage White Bean Soup (Salt & Lavender)
What is God trying to teach me in this current season?
What themes do I see in my life, perhaps themes surrounding change or areas of growth?
How is God calling me to encounter him, and is there anything I need to change to make room for that encounter?
What are some of my goals for the coming year, and is there a thread that ties them together?
Are there any words that keep standing out in books, podcasts, TV shows, articles or other content sources? Why are these words capturing my attention?
What is wearing me out right now, and what is an alternative way of living?
“In things of beauty, he contemplated the One who is supremely beautiful, and, led by the footprints he found in creatures, he followed the Beloved everywhere.” (St. Bonaventure on St. Francis)
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